I'd give zero stars if it were an option. We planned a visit for our family, both Jr and Adult drivers. After researching different racing eshtablishments, we decided on K1 even though it was further. The reason we chose was because it clearly states that their were no reservations and they did Jr races until 8:00 p.m. We arrived at 6:15. Upon our arrival after waiting in line they casually informed us they were no longer doing Junior races for the evening, with a very passive sorry. We drove 40 minutes out of our way, left with crying children and basically a swift kick in the butt from the establishment. Clearly they need to make reservations and not use then"walkin" as a marketing scheme. Had we any idea, we would have gone to the other raceway and secured a time, but chose K1 because it was flexible with our schedule. Needless to say, we are not happy! Happy racing!!