| - The Boyfriend and I went last night - an attempt to do something different - and man was it FUN!
It's $16/person for the day pass and all the gear you need. As first timers, we had to watch an orientation video (no longer than 10 min) then a very informative and friendly staff member took us step by step through the basics of belaying, climbing, etc etc till we felt comfortable with it. After that, it was totally free for all!!
The entire place is just wall after wall of man made rocks with random ropes every few feet. They have preset paths with numbers to designate how difficult that climb is (the higher the number, the harder the climb) but they also have an area without any numbers and plenty of rocks for n00bs like me. But for non-n00bs, they even have a belay-free zone where you can climb independently.
Seriously, it was a TON of fun! The Boyfriend and I took turns climbing and belaying for a little over an hour until we decided our bodies couldn't take it anymore. Don't be fooled - this shit is TOUGH! I'm anticipating soreness in my arms and legs soon...
Some tips for when you go:
- Bring water! You sweat and get outta breathe, so something to quench your thirst is good. This place doesn't have AC, just s few big fans.
- Go in pairs, unless you don't mind sitting out every other climb.
- If you're scared of heights, this is a great place to face it.
- Don't wear short-shorts. I made that mistake and paid for it with an hour long wedgie from the harness.