This is not your typical Mexican food!! If you want authentic Mexican this is not the place. The food is very Caribbean, Puerto Rico, meets Central America. The food has much more of a sweet seasoned flavor over a savory spicy flavor of typical Mexican food. All Spice, pineapple, mango, banana, apricot, basil and is used and the flavors are unexpected. This restaurant is a subsidiary (of sorts) of Z-Tejas, a Scottsdale based franchise. The conversation I had with the staff lead me to believe they plan to expand as Z-Tejas did to other locations within the state. They also intend to open restaurants in San Diego and several other locations.
Don't get me wrong the food is good. It was so fresh and tasty, it's obvious that chef has been inspired and is trying new things. It was just not what I was expecting so do not go expecting "typical" Mexican. Read the menu before you go to get an idea of the flavors I am talking about.
They have the coolest location/building. Check out their website to learn more.