Warning! Do not buy anything from this place. Having recently moved into Aurora we needed to find a new place to buy cakes. Kids birthdays, weddings and special occasion can always use a good cake. So when we drove by this little cake shop we got excited. At first we ordered a few cupcakes. They were mediocre at best. Recently we decided to order a fondant cake. The lady who took our order was very rude. She actually wanted to charge extra for giving her only 1 day notice. This would have been okay if the cake was actually good. Not! The cake was dry and Unflavourful. The cream
Filling tasted crystallized. Seems like they slapped the cake together.
Looks like we will go back to Katie's cakes on O'Conner Drive in Toronto where they know how to make cakes and treat customers with respect. Looks like this place will not last long at this pace or maybe the good people of Aurora never tasted real cake before. Someone please give us good cake in Aurora.