My boyfriend and I were shopping at the Craig location today when we were falsely accused of shoplifting.
I had tried on a bunch of dresses, chose three that I wanted, and walked over to wait outside the men's dressing room so my boyfriend could show me the jeans he was thinking of buying. The loss prevention guard "Darren" follows him in. Before my boyfriend gets to the door where I can see him, the guard tells him to go back and change into his things and get out of the store.
My boyfriend responds, "Do you work here? I'm trying to show my girlfriend who is right outside the door. My phone and wallet are still inside the dressing room, I'm obviously not trying to walk out with these and leave my stuff."
He tells him he doesn't care and keeps repeating to my boyfriend that he needs to leave. My boyfriend goes back and changes; they both walk outside and see me standing there. I ask what happened and the man tells me "drop the clothes and get out." I'm completely taken aback. My boyfriend tells me he's been wrongly accused of stealing. I ask if I can purchase the clothes I was waiting to buy and he repeats "drop the clothes and get out."
He continues to follow us, loudly saying "get out and don't come back" in front of the entire store. It was very, very embarrassing. He was extremely rude the entire time, not listening to either of us, not letting us talk to a manager, and obviously not trying to follow any logic or obvious characteristics of shop lifters, aside from racial stereotypes and bias, considering my boyfriend is darker skinned with long hair. Why would my boyfriend run out of the store with $10 jeans and leave his entire wallet w/ ID, cash, cards, and even a GIFT CARD for Burlington Coat Factory?
I called the manager from outside the store and reported these grievances as to not cause a further scene. I asked him to check the cameras. He just said "okay I'll tell the DM, bye." No apology or ounce of humanity. I regret not standing my ground inside the store. Then potentially the police would've been called and gone over the facts/footage/logic like an intelligent human being would've done, not like some bored storefront security guard who seems to be waiting to pounce on any person he subjectively deems suspicious based on his own bias instead of fact. It is very dangerous to have a store security guard who maintains this kind of mindset.
To sum it up, I know there's not much to be done here aside from contacting corporate. So I wanted to write a review letting the community know this place felt HIGHLY UNSAFE and I have never been treated with such disrespect. They had good clothes at decent prices if you don't mind running the risk of being falsely accused, treated as less than human, and embarrassed in front of an entire store.
Personally, I refuse to give my money to a company that supports this and hope you will too.