Well i keep it short and sweet since the other reviews are very in depth. Did we have a good time- meh it was ok. Did i get scared? Not really. Ive definitely been to better haunted houses, and they have never cost me $25 each person at that. The price is too much, almost got charged for parking ( $13) and then if you want to do anything else it adds up really really fast. I didnt feel as though the 'scream fest' was much more than a few adolescent teens with masks trying to pop out from a wall and spook you. It would have been better if they just put all the haunted houses together maybe? and it is SO very MUCKY so dont wear nice shoes or heals, you will definitely regret it.
I wont be going again or next year and do i suggest you go? Well you can formulate your own opinion, but i will be telling my friends that its not worth the hefty price tag.