I went to Southview Dentistry for a year & they were great! They made everything seemlees from fixing my cavities, & the normal X-Rays, & the staff was great. I thought I had finally found a dentist I wanted to continue to see.
However, 2 weeks ago I was on vacation & missed 2 voicemail's reminding me of my routine 6 month follow up on Monday (I was on vacation from Thursday-Sunday w/ no work phone/voicemail/email.
When I returned home I listened to the 2 voicemail's for my appt. reminder. I immediately called that morning & spoke with the front desk Monday morning & explained to them I was on vacation & just got the voicemail's & that I was not going to be able to make it in that afternoon.
I asked for the next available appt. but the girl on the phone told me unless I could make it in unfortunately they were charging me for a no show (granted I was early & prompt for ALL my appt.'s prior). Yes, I can see this could have been avoided by looking at my calendar before I left the week before... I asked her if she was serious & she said "yes" (no remorse). I told her that's ridiculous if you are going to charge me $100+ if I could not come in for a 6 month follow up that was scheduled 4-5 months prior.
Surely enough about a week later I received a bill in the mail charging me for this. I understand had this been a previous issue with me being a "no show" but it never was.
It's a shame I really liked the entire staff at Southview from the Dr.'s to the hygienists, they don't make you feel horrible for normal flaws that come with going to the Dentist; however, due to the phone call & charge I received I am not going back-Otherwise I would give them 5 stars.