The pizza from Eddie's is delicious, but get it to go and don't get a hookah. I went here Friday night with a group of three and felt like I wandered into the Teeny Boppin' Wannabe-Gangsta hangout party. At 23 I was without-a-doubt the oldest person in the establishment. I think it's where all of the high school kids who can't drink yet go on the weekends. If you're in high school, and want to feel like you are in with the alternative crowd then go here - I'm sure you'll have a blast; The place was PACKED.
The price of the pizzas we picked was $14.50/ea. on the menu, yet after we paid we noticed we were charged $18+tax each. The hookah was also served in a cheap, one-hose hookah that didn't produce much smoke. The hookah's are $14.99 for the first one and $9.99 each after that, which is pricey compared to the other two hookah joints across the street.
When Eddie's first opened a couple years ago I was more of a fan, but when it's 3am and you're playing a late game of WoW and you are too trashed to drive this is the best place to get delivery from around here.