Words can't describe how upset I am right now about this University. I originally enrolled under my GI Bill being told that I would be a Cohort student. Half in class, half online. It worked for me because I am a working individual. I enjoyed the classes and did quite well. After a few classes I was told that I'm being moved to all online since they have no more available classes for me in this program. Ummm what? They knew they only had 4 or 5 classes lined up for me but they failed to tell me this. I was extremely upset. My options were now only online and to take a class at a community college to make up for what they could offer. I ended up going that route (while being quite unhappy about it). After trying it, I ended up stopping classes from GCU and MCC for personal reasons. I immediately had problems with this. MCC immediately dropped me by my request. GCU's staff sat in it! For months! After being told it was all taken care of, I decided to start classes back up. The day after I signed back up I got an email from the VA saying my enrollment was terminated from when I first dropped my class 5 months ago. Thanks guys. So this morning I got a letter from the VA saying that I owe them over $2,000.00 needless to say I am very upset once again. I've already repayed the VA what I supposedly owed for this, only a portion of that amount. So basically I'm saying the people I've dealt with at GCU are incompetent and have lied to me on several occasions. I'm beyond dealing with this school, as soon as this resolves and I finish my current class I will be finding a new school to attend.