| - I am not really sure where to start....
First of all, I am not a huge die-hard Britney fan. Although I was entertained by her music in the early 2000's, I wouldn't consider myself a fan.
Honestly, I went in to this show with little to no expectations. We all know about how much Brit Brit has struggled over the last few years. While it's great to see her "back," she just doesn't have it anymore. I really don't think she's that in to it any longer. That's unfortunate, because these tickets aren't cheap and people are paying to see her WORK (bitch)!
My friend and I went to see her on a recent Wednesday night. My friend is a HUGE fan of hers, but she admitted from the start that she wasn't expecting much. Luckily, this show is a big improvement over some past performances (hello, VMA's).
It was entertaining. I wouldn't say that the show was good, but it certainly wasn't horrible. We had an ongoing joke that Britney is being lifted, leans on things or uses props as much as possible. It's kind of sad - the choreography seems dumbed down so she can do it. Either that, or she needs a new choreographer.
What she always had going for her was that she could dance her ass off. Everyone knew she couldn't really sing, but her moves were on point. That's how she always got away with lip synching, because she could put on an amazing show. That was then.... Now she just kind of half asses it and skips around the stage.
If you are a diehard, you will still probably enjoy the show. If you are a casual fan, I would say not to waste your time, you'll probably leave disappointed.