This place is absolutely stunning. The inside is an what I can only describe as an exact replica of Cheesecake Factory. I told this to my friends as soon as we were seated. And it turns out, that I guess this place is a chain since it sells trademarked Cheesecake Factory Cheesecake. Once I figured this out, I knew the portions were going to be HUGE!
I ordered the parmasean crusted chicken. After we ordered, we were given very fluffy and warm bread. We killed the first bread almost immediately. Then I needed to use the restroom. I hate how a lot of restaurants in Vegas have their restrooms outside and not inside. It isn't convenient at all.
It took awhile for our food to come out. We were hungry so we asked for another loaf of bread. Yum, still warm and fluffy as ever. Finally the food comes, and the presentation looks amazing. The chicken was breaded very nicely and the edge was crispy as hell. The inside was juicy too. Although I thought the spaghetti that came with it tasted very bland in the beginning, I realized it worked really well with the parmasean chicken.
Eating regular meals in Vegas is so hard, especially for a gambler like me. It's nice to sit down at a nice restaurant and have a hardy meal.