| - Oh Maddy. Maddy Maddy Maddy. You fool. You ordered the wrong size. How does that happen? As a space cadet myself, I accept you as a unique individual, but get it together. Like...maybe don't tune in and drop out? Maybe like...Tune out and drop in? That's how it works right?
Or perhaps Matty? (he pronounced it Maddy. I DUNNO)
I have pined for Fluevogs for YEARS. Now I'm a grown up lady and have money to drop on shoes that are supposed to last a lifetime (yes, an update will be forthcoming down the road) But I really am hoping that the phrase "You get what you pay for" holds true for my Fluevogs, cause good lord did I Pay. I scoped out a pair of Sunny's online and ON SALE no less! A beautiful gothy pair of soft leather, strappy summer sandals to get my summer goth on in style. I felt uneasy about buying online, so off to the store I went.
And there I met Maddy, bed-head blonde hair, sleepy eyes and a sleepier personality. But he tried his best, he really did. I brought up a picture of the sandals, he took a quick look, and brought up the wrong pair of shoes...and he knew he brought out the wrong pair, so he asked to see the web-page on my mobile again, where this time he paid attention to the name of the shoes and finally brought out the size I asked for. They fit like a glove, they didn't have them in black in my size, and after thinking about it for way too long, I decided, hey, lets order them from Calgary. I asked for a 9.5, and I assumed he brought out a 9.5. So I paid for a 9.5. I asked him about their exchange and return policy and he said "well they're final sale so no returns." Okay fair enough. Play Ball. Then I asked "okay, well, what if the ones I ordered don't fit?" And then Maddy short-circuited and couldn't provide with me a straight answer, he just got an awkward look on his face and I was like "Um okaaayyyyyy, forget it." That shit was already paid for and there was no turning back.
So I wait a few days and they arrive at the store. I come in to try them on. And the shoes are too small. Like, I got the hangy out toes and the heel of my foot is also hanging out.
So what the fuck Maddy? I asked for a 9.5, but you actually might have given me a 10.5. But hey, I should have checked. We just two lost souls. Living in a fish bowl. Year after year.
And who knows Maddy, maybe there was some freak sizing discrepancy. So in conclusion.
Maddy, I forgive you.
Thankfully, when I tried on my too small pair, another employee could see the issue and right away was like "those are too small, let me see if I can find you a 10.5 in another store. By the grace of god there was a 10.5 in Calgary.
And a week later I had my 10.5's THEY FIT YAY. And these shoes are comfortable as all hell. It's like walking on pillowey clouds in heaven.
Already planning my next Fluevog purchase.