My husband and I contracted a really bad stomach flu bug, so bad that neither one of us could stop throwing up.
We went to the Banner Estrella ER at about 1 a.m. While the wait time wasn't long, I was literally on the verge of passing out and all they did for me was to plunk me in a wheelchair and sit m next to one of the banks of chairs. There were only 4 other people there, so it did not look overly busy.
They took us back into a room that only had an examination table and took more information. The nurse told me we each had a $200 copay. I told her I left the house without a way to pay. She kind of huffed at me and said curtly "Well I am going to note in your file that you did not have the means to pay today". That was the LAST think I was worried about. I felt like we were both dying.
They took us back to another type of waiting room, which had about 25 chairs, hooks on the wall, garbage on the floor and used blankets on the chairs. They hooked us both to IV's and left us sit there, extremely uncomfortable. Where the heck are the beds, or something to lean back in? As a person who feels like they are dying from the flu, the last thing I want to do is sit up. We were given thin blankets to cover ourselves with an puke buckets.
I will not use this ER again. It's apples and oranges compared to the Mayo ER. I have never gone to an ER where they didn't give you a place to lay down. Once again, I have nothing against the staff - it was the way we were treated physically and the garbage laying around this ER treatment room.