While on a trip to Pittsuburgh, we stopped into this store while walking around the Strip District. Now, I love to cook, so it was essentially like Disney World in here.
The store was laid out very well, and it is very easy to find anything you might be looking for. I think my favorite part was that they had a sample of just about everything in a jar that you could smell. I'd much rather buy a spice that I could essentially sample than take my chances on a grocery store stocked brand. Needless to say, we walked out of there with quite a few goodies.
The staff at the store was great to talk to and really knew their stuff. From talking to one of them, it sounds like they mostly hire cooks, which is really nice.
If I lived in Pittsburgh, I'd probably make this my one-stop spice shop, but I don't. I need to find some place like this in Cleveland. Any suggestions?