| - My Big Fat Cell Phone...
You're probably asking me what does this mean? Well I went to this place and forgot my big fat Nextel Cell phone on the table, as soon as I realize it, I rush back (10 minutes later max) and the cell phone is no where to be found. I asked the waitress, the hostess, but no one had turned it in. I tried to call it, and it was shut off. What happened you say! The Bus Boy took it! Yes, the damn busboy, stole my big fat cell phone. Ironically I'm glad he did, because I hated that phone and wanted to get a new one, but had no good excuse to buy a phone at that time.
Food wise, this place is pretty good, and inexpensive. If you like Greek food of course. I consider this the Applebee's of Mediterranean food, so don't expect to be wow'd with uniqueness, expect consistency and a decent experience. It is grab a quick lunch here and just relax kind of place.
This place deserves a 2, but since it was a catalyst to me getting a new cell phone I bumped it up a notch. So all of you people looking to get rid of old technology, bring it t MBFGR, and leave it on your table, the bus boy, just may take it!
(evil laugh)