I will never purchase from these people again. First and foremost, I allowed myself to be rushed through the paperwork and as a result, I walked out of this place without an extended warranty on a used BMW. That's my fault - I know better than to allow this to happen. But I was in a vulnerable position and I'll learn from that. What these people sold me, though? The whole engine has to be replaced. They literally let me buy a car that was broken. They fixed it enough to drive it home and get through their in house warranty before this thing started falling apart. There's sludge in the engine, the radiator was cracked, and now - after I've spent money to try and fix all of these problems - the engine is malfunctioning. Maybe it's safe to buy a brand new vehicle from them but don't buy used. But frankly, I wouldn't give these people your time or money. Very un-American ethics. Thanks for costing me an engine, Autonation!