This REI told me Tuesday night or Wednesday morning for my snowboard to be waxed. Tuesday night I call and it took them 10 minutes to find my board, but alas not done yet but tell me it'll be done by the next morning (Wednesday). Wednesday night I drive to this REI and I get "uh, it's not done yet". Manager comes out and says it's not done and "won't cost me anything". I ask him if anything has been even been done to it. He replies no. Of course it won't cost me anything! No one has even looked at it since I dropped it off on Monday afternoon! Why would it cost anything to begin with! Great, so I guess I'll go somewhere else AFTER my snowboarding trip.
Manager tries to convince me that the board "isn't in bad shape". Yeah, it might not be to you, but I'm going 4 full days to an out of town resort and I wanted it waxed. I'll get my board waxed in Tahoe where they can do it that afternoon (con of visiting a city that isn't big on winter sports).