| - 0 Stars for this women aka WITCH. I am a victim of many others who got scammed from this person and I am now ready to speak out to the community of Toronto. I was at a very depressed and vulnerable stage in my life who was seeking a Psychic who could help with my problem. I reached out to this women hoping that she could assist me. At first I thought she was a sweet and caring person but I was very wrong. Firstly, she gives a super fast reading and does not provide valuable information of the underlying scope of your life. I was told to meditate and she would do the work. As months went by, I felt really sad because nothing was improving so I decided to find other Psychics. I was fortunate enough to find a really good Psychic who actually cared about me and was there to support me all the way. I found out that Diana never cared and she never started any meditation for me what so ever. I felt very mad. And now that my life has improved and become better, I am now reaching out to the community with my wise and honest advice: Do not do business with her. I know many people are troubled and seek answers, I understand that, but do not let your vulnerability get the best of you. This women loves to take people's money and not do her work. I am speaking from my heart, and I do not wish for anyone to fall victim. Lastly, there are many good reviews on her business but I am sure that it is made up so that she can manipulate people. If you cannot do your job, go work at Mcdonald's, but i'm sure they would not even hire you because you are a Selfish women who will one day get a Big KARMA. I learned my lesson and I am happy I found someone else who could help, care, and support me.