Ugh! Want so bad to give them a five but I have to base it on customer service also. So we come up as new members for our first special event for Mothers Day. We walk up give them our membership card and say 2 Tickets please!
The young lady at the ticket counter you are members it is free. So we proceed to the wine table and ask how does this work??
The ladies at the wine and "Info" table tell us you have to go back to the ticket lady in the blue shirt. Really? So we go back to the "blonde" and she tells us that we have 2 buy tickets for the wine walk, really? So when we came in gave you our membership card and said 2 tickets, you were not customer oriented enough to think with common sense if you are members and put and two together and even if not try to upswell your event or at least offer?
Then this Mellon heads for the event do not let you taste the wine before pouring so they pour you a full glass check it off your total of 5 glasses and if it is not good, you just dump out a full glass of wine.
I will think twice about attending another "Special" event, I do not think I could take deals NGOs with ignorance more than once. In my opinion