| - Von! Von Doughnut! Ahh. Ahh. Ahh.
Two! Two Doughnuts! Ahh. Ahh. Ahh.
So it was Vancouver vs. Toronto in a "Best Donut Showdown." They said they were gonna win. Well we put Von in as the Toronto representative. And guess what.
We Von. And we Von by a mile.
What to get: Créme Brulée Doughnut.
Why: Bécausé préténtious péoplé such as mée always maké suré to add the Frénch accénts or should I say accéhntz Francaisé whén writing, évén in Anglaisé. And there you have it.
Easily the best doughnut in Toronto.
And easily the best doughnut in Canada.
As for the best in North America, well for that, it's all up to New York City. You need to go to NYC, and try Doughnut Plant, Dough, Dun-Well, and a few others, and then compare directly to Von.
I think by some yardsticks, Von Doughnuts is the overall winner. By others, it's right up there close behind NYC. But whichever way you look at it, Von Doughnuts is the absolute creme-de-la-creme, no pun intended, OK, pun intended, of Doughnuts. You're going to be very hard pressed to ever try one as good as this. And it's wetter than the NYC ones, so if you think wetter is better (minds out of gutter) then get over here faster than Eddie Vedder down to his son Jeremy's High School when he heard about the unfortunate incident in the cafeteria.
One of the best Doughnuts in the world. Easily the best I've ever had outside NYC.
And by the way the adorable girl working here (who was cute) (hiiiiiii) (hey girl) sold me doughnuts when they were closed for the entire day (because of Danforth St Festival) and even threw an extra one in there. Literally, she threw it. Which f***ed it up completely.
But it tasted so good I didn't care.
And it was then that I knew it was going to be Von of those days.