Worst experience.... No show on the 1st appt- 10 minutes to get home (before they left) after they failed to make the original appointment, didn't call and just sent a generic text on the 2nd call out. Every call made to the office leads to hold time with zero resolution, schedule, cost or movement to get my AC working. I have had zero phone calls from old west in addition to the 8 + separate calls I made asking for the office manager to speak with me). (AC still not working in the AZ heat wave). Zero breakdown of the "charges" they were saying were outside of warranty but wont schedule my appointment to install valve until they are paid. I was told the home warranty had to approve all charges, however when calling them to speed the process up, I was informed they didn't need authorization to fix the issue. This company is terrible and unreliable. The home warranty company has provided zero resolution and should be ashamed for using this company and being part of the problem.