| - Yay! I'm a fan.
Personally, I think BB&B is overpriced. Unless you have one of their coupons, I struggle to find value here. Yet that means one at a time purchases. Still I cannot deny their quality and selection. This time, I was after pillows.
So picked out the kind of pillow I wanted, but I couldn't find the style I wanted (back/stomach vs side sleeper). I didn't see anyone I could ask wandering around, so I went up to the cashiers. The young lady was probably one of the perkiest persons in customer service. That interaction in and of itself brightened my day, but the result was that the pillow only came in one style. She couldn't leave her post to help me, but promised to send someone who knew more than her anyway.
Now for my second surprise in customer service. Now when a young man shows up, I only expect a knowledgeable background if we are concerning ourselves with electronics, sports, cars, etc. Definitely not pillows. Well I don't mind being proven wrong especially in such a pleasant manner. Turns out some time ago the store had some returned pillows due for disposal (I was also glad to hear used pillows don't make their way back into circulation). Instead of just throwing them out into the trash, he did a little exploratory surgery. He found out all the differences there were to correlate with price. Add the fact he was more than happy to share, I was impressed.
It's almost a shame this team isn't running the place the whole time, but that just wouldn't be fair. Even the manager was friendly and willing to (wo)man a register when needed. This BB&B isn't even close to me; I only stumbled upon it after trying to avoid some highway congestion. Yet because of those three, I've visited more than once.