The location is great but need more playing fields, there is 1 woodsball field and 2 speedball fields. Its a great place to play if you just want to go and play. The entry fee/air is a little expensive for me but i guess they have to make money somehow. I do love after a game the referees will wipe off the paint from your mask and clothes. Great place if you love speedball but A-ok if your more of a woodsball player. The rental equipment is excellent, no problems when out playing a game. I think the best day to go is on saturday, more players out to play. I've been to better playing fields but this one works out great when there really isn't many fields around. The owners and the people that work there make the place worth going, always so friendly and willing to help whenever needed. The one owner was nice enough and take my marker in for a week and tried to fix with no charge. so I like how they always remember who we are and make it very enjoyable. The owner's wife is just awesome so polite and friendly and always asks if your having a good time. at first i did not really like this field but it is growing on me and im liking it more and more everytime i go.