I actually thought this was pretty cool. Especially the stagecoach you could get into and rock back & forth with the movie scene of passing landscape in the background! Ha! I always loved getting on the horse rides outside of some stores when I was a kid (puleeeaassee mommy!), but after a point you become "too big" for that sort of thing. No longer! Hop right in and have someone take your picture for you! I've also worked at banks & some of the memorabilia was interesting to see. You can even send the tube out to the drive through & bring it back in! o.k. I'm a sucker for pushing buttons and seeing what happens... like the telegraph machine & the interactive wells fargo shipping office...you even get a receipt! It's interesting to think back to the days when banking was actually considered fun and cool and was also a learning experience. Ah well, it's nice that Wells Fargo took the time to help us remember a little bit about a time not so far in the past when your bank really was a part of your community.