Excellent care except for the wrong call for a Haldol dose for my 91 year old mother with dementia -very bad reaction with irregular heart beat, drooling, shuffling even if one of the hospital docs dismisses this link. We are waiting to see how long it takes to get out of her system as it is now day five after the 10 mg dose was given. She weighs 107 lbs. This drug guidance states specifically that it is NOT to be given to dementia patients, so why? Good question and I am filing a complaint with the hospital and the FDA. Adverse Drug Reactions--ADR are the 4th leading cause of deaths in the US. She was being treated for diverticulitis and was getting anxious.; she is also legally blind and we were not there when she became agitated. Xanax or Ativan are much better choices for anxiety. So the question about irregular heart rate treatment needed AFTER Haldol was given is troublesome. The other doc could not understand the swinging heart rate. She never had these distressing symptoms before admission to the hospital. Our family has used Mayo for many years so this is a let down.