This show, as you can imagine, is completely dependent on what stand up comics are performing that night. Had there been better comics the night we went my review would be totally different. There are only two plus the MC who tells a few jokes when he comes out. None of the three were particularly funny. The "headliner" was the best of the three but he was only so-so. Add that to the fact we had just been to see Carrot Top the night before, who was really funny and puts on a good show and this show was really a dud by comparison. There is also a girl who comes out and dances twice between the 3 acts. If you're expecting an actual topless burlesque show you will be sorely disappointed as she only disrobes down to bra and panties.
Essentially, this show is the worst of both worlds. If you want to go to see a topless show or to be titillated there are much better shows and if you want good stand up go see Carrot Top or try another comedy club.
PS. Do NOT buy the VIP upgrade, at least on a week night. The show is so empty only the VIP rows had people in them anyway. Waste of money.