Spa Review - I love the location of this hotel and how can you not go wrong with the beautiful scenery of the mountains right in from of you!
I scheduled an aromatherapy message because I have had this same service at the JW Desert Ridge SpA... Right off the bat my therapist informs me this is not deep tissue therefore I will only be using light to medium pressure...not what I want to hear after a crazy stressful few weeks, which is what exactly brings me to the spa to begin with!
After I pick out my aromatherapy oil I realize that I have basically paid for oil to be lightly rubbed on my skin for a price tag of $140. Needless to say I was thoroughly disappointed not to mention frustrated that this is what I received for quite a good penny!
I recommend going to the JW DESERT RIDGE SPA where the service and staff are on point and do not seem too dated and drab!
Sorry but true story