I love a surprise. Even something like a 'what's the secret movie going to be" gets me all giddy. It was worth the suspense! It has been AGES since I"ve seen Wayne's World and to see it on a big screen like I did way back when, was super fun.
First, I had no idea that the movie was partly shot here. who knew?! Second, this independent movie theater is adorable. Quaint and local and with some really great movies coming up. I'm really bad about actually going to see movies because they are so pricey and I can just get them later on Red Box or on my Amazon membership. However this place showcases unique and independent films.
We were lucky enough to get a taste of what movies are coming up and I'm intrigued. I'm definitely coming on my own.
The added bonus: they serve beer and wine. And this beer snob was happy with the selection.
Great job with the movie selection and what a fun event!!! Hope I make the cut for the next month~!