Glad I took the small detour to head over here today. It was a solid 4, maybe a 4.5. Sorry, I couldn't give it 5 stars. I think I've been spoiled with Charleston Beer Exchange and The Vintage Cellar. Why is it not a 5 for me? The number of selection. While there was a small number of beers that I couldn't find in Charleston, there was still a lot more that I could. The quality of the selection was decent enough, but not 5 star for me. The owner was pretty cool, once he got away from talking to the hoards of people lined up talking to him. That's probably a good thing though, because he knew a lot of the people coming in. The owner asked us if it was our first time there, which it was, and he said go ahead and take any glass you want. I double checked to make sure if I heard him right and he said yep. So, that was a cool added bonus for coming in. I'll definitely have to stop by next time I come up this way.