Basically a watered-down version of California's Great America. Thank god for that 2 for 1 burger king cup compliments of my older bro.
Ride review in the order I rode:
1) Nighthawk: I remember riding this thing at G.A. (Stealth), I guess I had a better tolerance for g-forces when I was younger. This ride was intense. You start laying down and have no idea how steep the first drop is. I'm not going to lie, I was pretty scared. My favorite part was when you feel like you are flying like Superman. Note: Do not go on this ride on a full coffee and bagel did not settle in my tummy very well afterwards. Thrill factor: 5
2) Carolone Cyclone: Very similar to the Demon, I didn't like this ride, my head was jerking everywhere. Thrill factor: 3
3) Thunderoad: Fastest coaster? Hardly, don't waste your time on this one. Thrill Factor: 1
4) The Hurler: One of my favorites out of the day. I guess I am just a fan of wooden rollercoasters. This ride did not make me nauseous like the others. Thrill factor: 4
5) Ricochet : More of a family ride, the sharp turns were different, felt like the cart was going to fly off the tracks. Would of been more exciting if the entire track shook like the one from Great America. Thrill Factor: 2
6) Carolina Cobra: Unfortunately I had to sit out on this ride because I was feeling a little sick after 5 rides and it starting raining. I didn't feel like getting soaked in 80+degree weather. Thrill Factor: 5 (I take my brothers words for it)
7) Scooby-Doo's Haunted Mansion: This was a cute fun ride. The wait was particularly long although it was still pouring. It was worth the wait though, felt like a kid in the shag wagon zapping ghosts and villians with my gun. I scored the highest score and whoop all my brothers asses, 1020 to their measly 300+ points.
8) Thunder Road: This ride would of been cooler if the other train was working. You are supposed to race the other train. Love the drops and didn't expect that many turns for a wooden coaster. Thrill Factor: 4
9) Afterburn: Basically Top Gun or whatever they call it now with a smaller drop but more corkscrews. I should of pass on this last ride we decided to ride on a whim because I felt nauseous again right after.
All in all I had a good time, the rain killed it though. Nothing too spectacular here that I couldn't experience back home. I definitely appreciated the short lines but it was kind of annoying going on a school day...teeny boppers galore.