So I came for requested medium length the girl who assisted me kept making the nail shorter and I told her I brought my own diamonds how much will
It be for you to add them into 4 if my nails fully covered she said 5. I'm okay with that when we get to the diamonds she adds 1 in 4 nails After I told her 4 times how I wanted the nails. So I got charged 5 extra bucks just to stick a damm diamond on my finger from a diamond that I bought myself, In that case I could've done it myself. The nails look stupid some are thin some are huge she doesn't know how to do her job right and I even tipped her before she finished my nails if I would've known my nails would look like shit I wouldn't have tipped her.. so I spent $40 and 2 hours of my life for some shitty nails I'm going to take off