We recently filed a claim against a landlord with the Alberta RTDRS and were extremely impressed with the experience. It cost $75 to file the claim, and we were able to schedule the hearing quite quickly. There was surprisingly little bureaucracy and everyone we dealt with was very professional. There was very little wait time each time we visited the office, and the clerks were helpful and informative about the process. The office also has a lot of useful literature about housing law in Alberta and tenant and landlord rights and responsibilities.
At our hearing, the Tenancy Dispute Officer had clearly gone through our materials in detail in advance, and was also very well-versed in Alberta housing law. Her ruling to award us our money back was fair and logical and well supported by the terms of the Alberta Residential Tenancies Act. All in all, the process was efficient, affordable, professional, and very fair. This is a great resource for Calgarians.