could have been a 2 star rating because of the cleanliness, but realized that another chain burger joint charging $10 for an average burger didn't deserve it, especially when the burger is served with a side of sarcasm. not to mention that they are not community friendly at all. I asked to drop some flyers for the Grand Avenue Festival and they said no, not that they needed to say yes, but when I asked the manager to talk with the franchise managers about being a little more community involved and supportive; the manager barked very rudely "none of the businesses around here do that"; which was a lie because just next door on college- Port Of Subs and the Cupz Coffee both allow people to leave flyers for their customers, so did the Hawaiian place and almost every other business around. I had to give this a 1 star because Arizona doesn't need another over priced, community sucker, who is not interested in creating a community, but just bleeding the money and running. he was so unfriendly and sarcastic that I didn't even want to place my order after that. i'll stick with Maizie's burgers anyday! I also heard the Grind on Camelback Rd next to the Fenix eatery at about 40th street was the shiznitz! They said its hands down the best in town....on my way soon.