I've been here before and it was very prompt and professional. Today not to much, I came in and was immediately put in a room and it seems that it was going to be another great visit. Well over an hour and a half later I ask the receptionist what's going on and should I come back, she then tells me there's 8 people waiting and if I leave she can't promise my dog will be seen. Hey wait! Isn't this a emergency vetinary hospital? Can't be seen? Tells me that I'm next and should be only 15min well it's been another 45min and nothing. Please don't tell me something if what you're telling me isn't true. Maybe they should tell you there's a lot of patients ahead of you and let you decide whether to stay or find another place. BTW the Dr was great! I have no complaints about him it's the office staff and how they handle things that's the problem. Come on guys! You're the first impression for everyone whether you like it or not and I understand everyone has off days but let's suck it up and try to be friendly, professional and have some empathy please!