Me and my mom used to drive all the way to china town to get massages, now we have an amazing massage place 5 minutes away from home!!! Every time we come, we're thrilled. AMAZING massages for an EXTREMELY affordable price. These guys work their butts off to give you a memorable massage. For me and my mom for an hour and a half, it's 30$ each and a 15$ minimum tip, but we always round up and just pay with 100$ because they do such a good job. Best place I've been to in town. Kylie gets all those knots out of my back!!! For those of you that whine about the minimum tip, you clearly don't understand how hard these guys work all day. I'll gladly pay more to have a consistently great experience. Try going to an American massage place with your buddy and paying less than $100 for the both of you. If you value hard work and don't wanna empty your wallet at a massage place in the hotels, COME HERE!!! It's absolutely fantastic.