All - come here if you want to waste your money on the very reason people hate Scottsdale girls - fake and a rip off. If you have any girls who are friends that you would bring to your table you're better off elsewhere so they do not get harassed.
Last night went to a table I was invited to and was pretty sober all night. Logan put on an appalling display throughout every interaction and that is putting it lightly. I've never been so disgusted.
Logan was the server and our troubles started when she backed that ass up into my legs resulting in physically moving me from my seat almost physically knocking me off of the table onto the ground. It was appalling and gross.
As I go to grab myself a drink, she pours 1/3 a bottle of Dom all over her own and the other bottle girls chest. Shortly after another bottle comes out.
Side note: you're not good at sales if you have to damage the existing product to make another sale.
Moving forward, this new bottle comes out. Logan pours herself a nice large glass to the brim, meanwhile, my friend and I who were invited to the table and not on the clock had a small sip of champagne poured into our glass.
Due to the lack of drinks I was able to get at a table I was specifically brought to by the girl whose job it is to pour drinks, I asked per personally for a new one and said that I wanted pineapple. She poured a tiny glass of vodka, no ice, and says pineapple is not at the table. I ask her to go get more pineapple. She then claims we're out of the bottle so I ask for the other type of alcohol with pineapple mixed.
Logan holds up cranberry and tells me she doesn't want to get the pineapple and proceeds to pour me this mix of vodka and tequila that would even be considered rancid at a frat party.
I'm deathly allergic to cranberries and she almost killed me by putting cranberry in my drink (and she almost broke my bones knocking me off of the table). Luckily, instead she chose to pour the rest of the tables alcohol into a full plastic glass and ran away with it so nobody got to drink from then on out.
Never again HiFi. Try finding girls who can perform basic job functions. You truly should be embarrassed.