| - I'll preface this by saying that I am, have been (since I first heard them in 1975) and always will be a KISS fan - HUGE KISS fan, so please keep this in mind when reading the next paragraph.
From the outside, KISS by Monster Mini Golf looks like a hole in the wall in its odd location on the corner of a non-descript mini strip mall (I don't even think there was a real anchor store in this place). The inside isn't really much better. It looks like the basement of a juvenille delinquent who has a thing for black lights, is a serial killer and who also reeeeeeally likes KISS.
That being said, it was absolutely impossible to wipe the gigantic stupid grin off my face from the moment I walked in the door until well after I left. Lots of framed photos of the guys on the walls (VERY surprised that there were even a few photos of Ace in his Frehley's Comet era - LOVE ACE!), bits of trivia written on faux stone tablets, loads of memorabilia in display's a KISS fan's wet dream.
The chapel was, as expected, cheesy - made me laugh, as did the mini golf course.
I wasn't aware that there was also a little party room on the premises - some little boy was having a swell birthday bash...with cake...and slime party decorations...
Seriously, it was really like being in someone's basement, but more disturbing/frightening is the fact that the whole strip mall is in the flight path of incoming planes to McCarran Airport...seriously, these enormous commercial planes were maybe 500 feet over the shopping center. One bird in the engine while one of those babies is coming in and it's bye bye shopping center...bye bye KISS mini golf.
Still, if you're any kind of a KISS fan, it's worth the deviation off the strip and the possible death by plane crash. Check it out!