I've lived in many cities in Cuyahoga County and have never seen such a giant waste of tax payers money. It is obvious this PD is more concerned with frivolous citations to show the county how much revenue they pull in, rather than doing constructive police work. Whether it's the extremely strict meter maids, the officers who so cautiously floor through red lights in school zones yet ticket if over 5 mph because the speed limit changed without warning (I see it everyday outside my window), or the overly aware gentleman who circled around my block only to stop and ask me if I had a poop bag for my dog....in my own yard...seriously, that happened, this PD is disgraceful. Ironically, when a significant crime (one in which they cannot make money) occurs and is reported, they act like your wasting their time. The County really has to do something about this as it steering people (myself included) away from purchasing a home in this city. Congratulations CHPD, you'll have one less poop bag to worry about.