What a NIGHT!!! Lady's night on Wednesdays with awesome drink specials from 6-10 and it's not all cock fest! The people are really cool, none of this stuck up Snotsdale crap, and the staff is cool too. I got rocked my first night there and don't remember how I ended up where I woke up the next morning!!! I'M KIDDING, I'm not that big of a lush, sheesh, but it was definitely a fun night and will be back. It's also amazing how they mix Country music with Rap and everyone got along fine all night. Not one fight, surprisingly enough.
***The Bafroom: The bathrooms were clean. We had a bathroom attendant, which I think is always annoying to have because I can get my own paper towel or push the blow dryer button myself. They have this funny urinal section that's like a big long tub that wraps around the corner and it's community so there are no dividers for the curious on-lookers. That confrontation could be quite odd but interesting with your hands full if you notice someone trying to take a peak! Do you attack with the resource at hand? Do you finish first and then confront? Do you wait for him to finish to confront? WHAT?!?! Am I thinking about this too much? lol Don't get me wrong, they do have stalls and 2 other private urinals to choose from. TAKE YOUR PICK :)