| - Who's feeding me wine? Is that lady wearing a mask? Wait, lobster what?
This was the scene of my Kubrick-esque Eyes Wide Shut style food orgy. A magically odd night filled food pleasure and....more food pleasure:
Easily the best dining experience of my life thus far. It has been several years since I dined here, yet I still compare all other foo foo dining experiences to that night - and even the mighty have still come up short. And - AND - I didn't have to pay - didn't even see the bill, which sprinkled extra sweet and savory sensations from my coiffed hair to my CFM heels. Absolute bliss.
The interior is very dark and intimate. It feels like everyone is very close to you, almost touching, lounging in a very sinfully ancient Roman way. I got the tasting menu with the accompanying wine tasting menu and then, well then it was pretty much like a straight up food gang bang. Tiers of things with crab and a giant shrimp, a waiter fucking fed me wine from a cup like a naughty food communion, I ate slippery foie gras with my fingers. Steak. Reductions. Words I couldn't pronounce. Truffled mac n cheese. Shit was set ablaze before me. And then came the lobster pot pie. Brought out through darkness and steam by my waiter (was he even still wearing a shirt by that point....) in a shiny copper pot, he then sliced open the butter crust atop and reconstructed the entire meat of the lobster on the plate before me. There are no words. I'm sure there was some sort of dessert, maybe even two, how would I know. Four bites in of the lobster was the climax of the whole meal.
After...I walked into the light. The perfectly small portions had not left me full - no food baby consequences - but my head was spinning, my face was plastered with a dopey smile and my hair was mussed. I took of my shoes and walked right down the hall through whirling casino lights and big ol MGM lions (were they smirking at me?).
And no food was ever the same again. End scene.