| - A wonderful place to get the nicest organic veggies, bulk grains and nuts, fresh bread, fresh flowers, natural pharmacy items and restricted-diet-friendly foods. Watch out for high prices on fresh seafood, non-organic (regular) vegetables, some prepared foods and non-specialty items.
This location has a beautiful layout and an excellent selection. It's also staffed with helpful, friendly people! I've needed help finding something many, many times so I've definitely done the research on that.
I'll admit it. It took me a long time to come around to liking Whole Foods. Sure, it's beautiful and clean and every single piece of produce looks like it could win a prize, but I hated feeling shafted - just look at the seriously exorbitant prices on plain old grapes or peaches.
Then, my husband and I decided to eat mostly organic for a month. We quickly discovered that prices are pretty consistent for organic produce wherever you go, but far and away the best quality is at Whole Foods.
While we were there, we discovered that they have a wonderful selection of specialty items (calling all food freaks - if you need [insert food here]-free, they got it!). It's a wonderful place to find variety and quality if you are trying to eat "clean" or remove something from your diet (lots of coconut-milk-based dairy alternatives, tons of gluten-free options). The prices on these types of items are higher wherever you go, so, once again, you might as well bask in the glorious perfection (and selection) at Whole Foods.
They have wonderful variety, quality and price in the bulk section! Need some organic cous cous or buckwheat, brown rice or quinoa? Grab some here! They even sell cheap mason jars to store all of these goodies. Our pantry is packed full of them, now, and it's a beautiful and inexpensive way to store things so that you can see them!
The fresh flowers and fresh bread are excellent, as is the selection of supplements and moisturizers.
In summary, I still haven't found a way to use the salad bar without feeling robbed, but there are some wonderful deals on quality items to be found here!