Wow. These folks get it, and I mean they really get it. Imagine a restaurant owner saying hello to you and your party as you walk by his restaurant to go to the restaurant down the street. Now, take one more step and imagine the restaurant down the street just literally sucking. Where would you go? Yep. The guy that said hello.
We are sure glad we did. Bazinga!
First, the ambiance is killer. Think upscale sports bar with without the pretentious nonsense. Add the perfect level of acknowledgment to local sports heroes. Next, put some awesome and attentive staff in place. Last, serve up some culinary sports bar wizardry. And not your basic sports bar boredom. Good stuff. Creative stuff. Different stuff. Damn delish stuff.
Don't forget a small yet expertly selected draft beer offering.
Yeah, this place kicks ass. Nom nom nom!