VIP massage is located in a very ideal location in Scotts near the Old Town Area and has lot of excellent establishments near them. Security in that area is great.
VIP massage room are exquisitely well done, with appropriate lighting and table shower available for customer after a massage. Its produces great mood in their massage room with the wonderful decor of the rooms to produce an effective massage.
I have visited there several times and I have had Tina as my massage therapist. She is petite but lovely lady who is always gracious and very outgoing and makes you comfortable by her friendly personality.She is very attentive in her massages to the areas that cause your body discomfort like neck pain or back pain. The music she plays while having the massage is very soothing and she pays attention to your needs and appropriately asks if she is applying too much pressure or not which shows her concern. She talks with you while having your massage which helps to relieve tensions while having a wonderful massage.
After each massage, she offers you the opportunity to have a shower and even cold water.
I feel very relaxed after the massage and free of any discomfort
I recommend highly this massage parlor and the excellent massage therapist Tina.
I visited again. I was greeted by a massage therapist Pinky. She was very outgoing and very amiable. She took me to the massage room which was well designed. She showed particular concern for the areas of my discomfort. She gave a great massage and I felt wonderful at the end of the massage. She communicated with me during the massage and this kept me very comfortable. I took a table shower which was well designed. I highly recommend this place. Pinky is very adept massage therapist and very articulate and outgoing.