Traveling has progressively gotten harder between security and everything else... I'm usually not a fan of spending $$ at the airport, but at least they have stores and restaurants with their "captured" market. But that's the thing, since you are pretty much stuck at the airport the prices go sky high.
Usually I bring in an empty Nalgene and fill at the water fountain, but this particular trip, I was packing light and wanted water and went here. BAM $3 for a 16oz bottle of water. On top of the water, the cashier tried to get me to buy some snacks too... my selection was candy or more candy. But she was being nice...
It also doesn't help that airlines stopped serving the free snacks so you are limited to whatever you bring or you are again at the mercy of convenient stores like this one but I don't even want to get into how much you pay for small snacks here.