Something Good is Happening in the Kitchen! Cannolis are filled while you wait - They better be! Everything has to taste Delicious!!! The Shells were very Good and the Filling was Fantastic! Cookie Dough Cupcake with They say "Butter-cream" Icing - The Flavor was Very Nice! The Question is why are all the Butter-creams tasting Fluffier these days, like a conspiracy to help me lose weight??? This was the BEST of the "new Designer Butter-creams"... I'm starting to think that everywhere I go the staff is informing me incorrectly or I'm Insane, well some of the time Both may be true! Is it Whipped Butter-Cream??? Tell me!
Vegan Options for Paul Koehler's lot! Gluten Free Options too! I'm not saying anything about their Store Front Sign - I am posting a photo later!
Do you speak Bakery??? My English is Very Broken when I'm in a place like this! Why am I surprised if someone offers me Coffee in a Bakery? The Coffee and Baked goods seem like they go together... So My first reaction is Speechlessness... I say nothing because all I'm thing about is Dessert (I LOVE good Coffee for Dessert or with Dessert though I usually can not think on both planes at once - My response after I regain some vocabulary is a defensive one... I ask questions and make statements like : If it isn't really good I do not want any and usually that gets me off the hook and they do not know I'm writing a review, because I never tell and keep my Camera somewhat hidden...The staff was polite, eager to tell me what they know and handled me pretty well...What if they did not...does it really matter??? You are not asking them to marry you or even a date (maybe you are) just some Cupcakes, Cannolis, a table and an hour to enjoy them, or 57 seconds! How long does it take you to consume a dozen, I'm only kidding I only had one of each (that time)!