| - I work in the hospitality industry and rarely ever complain about anything that may go wrong during my time at or with another establishment in the business, since it is just food after all. However, what happened tonight is absolutely unacceptable.
So, I ordered through the eat24 app and the delivery guy showed up in a reasonable amount of time, so everything seemed like it was just going to be your run-of-the-mill delivery service. NOPE! I ordered nachos, a cheeseburger combo with fries and a 32oz soda, an Oreo milkshake, and a side of blue cheese dressing. The guy hands me the milkshake and I couldn't remember the total, so I asked him and he responds with "I don't remember, I didn't bring the receipt. I also don't have my phone on me, so you can call if you'd like." Uh, whatever guy, I'll just look it up on my email. The total was $23.36, so I gave him $29 and told him to keep the rest for a tip. Then he gives me my food and says that he "forgot my soda" and that he'll "go back and get it for me" and "throw in an additional soda for the inconvenience". Me being the rational person I am agrees to that and I'm still not upset at this point. I only live 3 minutes from this place, so it didn't seem like a big deal for him to have to drive back there and then back here, and I tipped over 20% on top of that. Then I go to check the bag and there is no straw for my milkshake and the blue cheese dressing is nowhere to be found, so my boyfriend called the store and a woman answered and assured him that the dressing would be coming with the drinks. We wait for 30 minutes and nothing has shown up yet, so we call again. Woman assures my boyfriend that the delivery guy is coming back. We wait another 45 minutes and still, nothing. Try to call again and nobody answers.
So, basically they stole like $5 from me and also, my food was cold when it arrived. Awesome, thanks a lot for the superior customer service. I won't go without a fight, Burger Rush, you will be delivering my soda to me at some point in time. Or else I will make it my life's work to destroy your reputation, not that you would actually need help in that. Your employees are doing a great job already.