IKEA, how I loathe thee. OK, I accept your point that people only really yelp about you when they have a really lousy experience. But that's the nature of the beast - we only go to IKEA because there's no other option for decent, affordable apartment furnishings. You may suck, but you've got the market cornered.
Here are a few things you could work on in the future if you'd like to mend this relationship:
1. When I rent a Zipcar to come for a visit, please have what I'm looking for in stock.
2. Please don't mis-shelve similar-looking items in your warehouse.
3. Please don't make me line up four times in order to a) buy stuff, b) return the stuff I just bought because it was shelved in the home of what I actually wanted to buy, c) buy the stuff I wanted in the first place and d) get a hot dog.
4. Please don's EVER close the cash line I've been waiting in for ten minutes and tell me to go find another one of your lines to wait in.
Until next time,