I heard from my felow yelpers that Boustan had opened in Laval, and you can't imagine how excited I was. For someone that used to go to boustan on a daily basis while a student at Concordia, I just couldn't wait to try it.
So here is my verdict, it was OKAY, better than Amir or Basha but not as good as the original. I had the chicken shawarma which was good, the potatoes were also very good but did not have much garlic as you would expect but I actually prefered it that way. The coleslaw and the taboule were very very tasty. I also ordered a plate of fatooush which they told me they made fresh on the spot, but unfortunately it tasted nothing like what a fatooush is suppose to taste like. It had burnt pita in it which smell overwhelmed the entire salad.
If I had the choice to go back to Boustan I would go back to the one on crescent.