| - My wife & I have traveled extensively throughout the US of A and we often seek out sushi when we travel. Even I find it bizarre that Taipei-Tokyo has become our point of reference for sushi, but it is true. We often concur that our neighborhood sushi is better than what we are finding on the road. Not that they are perfect here, but on most nights, and we eat there often, the sushi melts in your mouth, doesn't fall apart, isn't so large that it would choke a horse, and has great taste. We haven't been to Umi in a while, but we always thought them to be the best in the 'burgh, but for the price difference, we are more than happy with Taipei-Tokyo. We also enjoy the spicy Chinese food here. The (non-authentic Chinese) General Tso's here is wonderful. Throw in the friendly staff and owners, and we rarely leave here without a smile on our faces and content bellies full of satisfying food. Of course, a half hour later we're hungry, but .......