We've been here a few times as we live in the neighborhood. Food has always been good but as someone has pointed out, customer service may be lacking. I went to pick up an order a few minutes ago and it started off pleasant enough. A female employee sees the delivery driver outside and starts going off and suddenly the customer (me) is invisible. Apparently he picked up an order of pot stickers from the kitchen and delivered them to someone that didn't order them. That's all she was focused on was him going back to wherever he delivered them and getting her $8.95. She's trying to ring up my order as she's ripping him a new one, without even telling me how much my order is, she runs my card and hands me my food and continues ranting. About this time the bartender comes in and sees what's going and and tells the delivery driver not to worry, the bartender will comp the charge. Since I"m still not being addressed, I take my food and walk to the door. Finally, as I'm opening the door someone finally acknowledges that they actually had a customer and says "thank you". Good grief Lady, mistakes happen, $8.95 isn't worth alienating your customer over and you sure as heck don't talk that way to your employees in front of the customers.